Everything You Need to Know Before Purchasing Wedding Invitations
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Everything You Need to Know Before Purchasing Wedding Invitations

Wedding Invitations Enclosures

Response Cards

A standard enclosure included with a stamped, addressed envelope. Response cards are important because they will help you keep an accurate count of the number of guests attending. Response cards can also be used to keep track of meal preferences.

Reception Cards

These are used if there is information about the reception that won't fit on the invitation, or if not all of the guests invited to the ceremony are invited to the reception. In this case, the reception details are printed on a separate card to be included in only some invitations.

Maps/Direction Cards

These should be printed, and included in your invitations as a courtesy for guests who may not be as familiar with the area.

Pew Cards or Within-the-Ribbon Cards

These are included if you wish to communicate to family and close friends that they will be seated in a special section at the ceremony. Usually refers to certain number pews in church, or a section separated from the rest of the seating by ribbon or other decoration. The card is presented to an usher who should direct the guest to the designated section.

Please present this card
The First Baptist Church
Saturday, the eighth of November

Pew number 7

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